Lisa Herzog (UNIVERSITY OF Groningen)
Sympathy, Empathy, and Twitter: Reflections on Social Media Based on an 18th-Century Debate

2022 | 2023


MONDAY, 14 November 2022

18.00 - 19.45

The Aristotelian Society will be holding this meeting online via Zoom. 

To join the presentation and discussion period for this talk you will need to follow this link.

If you have any problems or concerns about the software, please contact You do not need to have a Zoom account or to download anything in advance but we have found that the software works better on Google Chrome or Firefox, rather than other browsers. Please log into the “waiting room” at least 5 minutes in advance.



Lisa Herzog works at the intersection of political philosophy and economic thought. Since 2019 she works at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, where since 2021 she is the Director of the Center for Philosophy, Politics and Economics. She holds a master (Diploma) in economics from LMU Munich, and an M.St. in Philosophy and D.Phil. in Political Theory from the University of Oxford. She has worked at, or visited, the universities of St. Gallen (CH), Leuven (BE), Frankfurt/Main (D), Utrecht (NL), and Stanford (US). She was a Rhodes Scholar (2007-2011), received the 2019 Tractatus-Preis and the 2019 German Award for Philosophy and Social Ethics, and the 2021 Ammodo Award. Lisa Herzoghas published on the philosophical dimensions of markets (both historically and systemically), liberalism and social justice, ethics in organizations, and the future of work.The current focus of her work are workplace democracy, professional ethics, and the role of knowledge in democracies.Her books include Inventing the Market. Smith, Hegel, and Political Theory (OUP 2013) and Reclaiming the System. Moral Responsibility, Divided Labour, and the Role of Organizations in Society (OUP 2018). Her forthcoming monograph is entitled Citizen Knowledge. Markets, Experts, and the Infrastructure of Democracy.

Meeting Address

The Aristotelian Society will be holding this meeting online via Zoom.

To join the presentation and discussion period for this talk you will need to follow this link.

If you have any problems or concerns about the software, please contact You do not need to have a Zoom account or to download anything in advance but we have found that the software works better on Google Chrome or Firefox, rather than other browsers. Please log into the “waiting room” at least 5 minutes in advance.

meeting time

The Society’s philosophy talks take place every fortnight on Mondays throughout the academic year. Each talk starts at 18.00 and lasts for approximately an hour. The remainder of the time is dedicated to discussion, which ends at 19.45.


All of the Society’s philosophy talks are catered with fairtrade teas, coffees, and biscuits.


In line with the Society’s mission to make philosophy readily available to the general public, all talks are free and membership is not required.

Draft Papers

Following over a century of tradition, draft papers for all the talks are available in advance. Please note that draft papers can only be cited with the authors permission (see below for final publication and subscription details). The draft paper for a talk is available approximately one week prior to its schedule delivery.

Final Papers

For the past 142 years, the Proceedings has featured widely respected papers delivered by a range of prominent philosophers, such as Alfred North Whitehead, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, A.J. Ayer, P.F. Strawson, Karl Popper, Elizabeth Anscombe, Bernard Williams, Hubert Dreyfus, Alexander Nehamas, and Onora O’Neill. Final drafts of the papers – including discussion notes and exemplary graduate papers – are published in the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society.


The venue at Senate House is wheelchair accessible and there are disabled toilet facilities on the ground floor. If you require a disabled parking space, or a hearing loop, please contact in advance, so that we can reserve these for you. Service animals are also welcome.