2007 Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume CVI, Issues 1-3
The hardcover volume of the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society is printed in black on an 80gsm white book wove stock accredited by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Binding is in dark blue Arbelave Library Buckram over 2500 micron boards blocked in gold on the spine. This makes for a strong, attractive and durable book with a scuff resistant and wipeable cover.
Table of Contents
Issue No. 1
Perception, Reference and Causation | Thomas Baldwin
Two Conceivability Arguments Compared | Daniel Stoljar
Negative Truth and Falsehood | Stephen Mumford
Three Moments in the Theory of Definition or Analysis: Its Possibility, Its Aim or Aims, and Its Limit or Terminus | David Wiggins
Discussion Notes
Against Sonderholm: Still Committed to Expressivism | Daniel Elstein
Rigidity, General Terms, and Trivialization | Dan López de Sa
Issue No. 2
Telling Tales | Antony Eagle
Kant on the Identity of Persons | Béatrice Longuenesse
The Bayesian and the Dogmatist | Brian Weatherson
Epistemic Deference: The Case of Chance | James M. Joyce
Symposium from the 2006 Joint Session
Sufficiency and Excess Lloyd Humberstone and Herman Cappelen: Propositional Skeletons and Disquotational Reports | Herman Cappelen
Issue No. 3
How Does Coherence Matter? | Niko Kolodny
Berkeley, the Ends of Language, and the “Principles of Human Knowledge” | P. J. E. Kail
Film as Philosophy: The Very Idea | Stephen Mulhall
The Argument from Resentment | R. Jay Wallace
Epistemic Self-Respect | David Christensen
Ways of Knowing | Quassim Cassam
Discussion Notes
Consequentialism, Demandingness and the Monism of Practical Reason | Brian McElwee
Neo-Fregeanism and Quantifier Variance | Bob Hale
Graduate Papers from the 2006 Joint Session
Contextualism and the Epistemological Enterprise | Michael Blome-Tillmann
Unreasonable Rejectability and Permissible Coercion | Brian Feltham
Strict Finitism Refuted? | Ofra Magidor
Symposia from the 2007 Joint Session
Humes Old and New: Peter Millican and Helen Beebee: The Two Definitions and the Doctrine of Necessity | Helen Beebee
Actuality: Scott Soames and Keith Hossack: Actuality and Modal Rationalism | Keith Hossack
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