2012 Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume CXII, Issues 1-3
The hardcover volume of the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society is printed in black on an 80gsm white book wove stock accredited by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Binding is in dark blue Arbelave Library Buckram over 2500 micron boards blocked in gold on the spine. This makes for a strong, attractive and durable book with a scuff resistant and wipeable cover.
Table of Contents
Issue No. 1
The Presidential Address: Non-Inferential Knowledge | Marie McGinn
Direct Realism and Immediate Justification | Gianfranco Soldati
Reference by Abstraction | Øystein Linnebo
Counterfactual Entailment | David Barnett
Expressing Credences | Daniel Rothschild
Issue No. 2
Bayesian Expressivism | Seth Yalcin
Good Samaritans and Good Government | Dudley Knowles
Fiction as a Genre | Stacie Friend
Why Naive Realism? | Heather Logue
Restless Forms and Changeless Causes | Fiona Leigh
Issue No. 3
Leibniz’s Law and the Philosophy of Mind | Frank Jackson
Knowing How | Kieran Setiya
Agents and Patients, or: What We Learn About Reasons for Action by Reflecting on Our Choices in Process-of-Thought Cases | Michael Smith
Discussion Note
Actors Are Not Like Zombies | E. Diaz-Leon
Transparency and Inference | Kieran Setiya
Incommensurability or Vagueness? A Comment on Rabinowicz and Sugden | Mozaffar Qizilbash
Graduate Papers from the 2011 Joint Session
Propositions, Structure and Representation | Thomas Hodgson
Justice for Unicorns | Eliot Michaelson
Symposium from the 2012 Joint Session
Lichtenberg and the Cogito | John Campbell in response to Christopher Peacocke
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