Symposium III - Political Epistemology
Linda Martín Alcoff (CUNY) and Robin McKenna (Liverpool)

2024 Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association

University of Birmingham

12 - 14 July 2024

Symposium IIi –political epistemology


Linda Martín Alcoff

City University of New York


Robin McKenna

University of Liverpool


Coming Soon. 

A Non-Ideal Theory of Knowledge
In her article in this issue Linda Martín Alcoff makes the case for a form of political epistemology that denaturalises, in the sense of historically and socially situating, procedures of knowledge production and distribution. She pursues this project via a discussion of three 20th-century thinkers (Horkheimer, Habermas, Foucault) who she argues pursued this form of political epistemology, albeit in different ways, and to different ends. In this article I pursue a similar project, but within a different tradition, one that grows out of naturalised epistemology.


Dr. Linda Martín Alcoff is a professor of philosophy at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY. In the past she served as President of the American Philosophical Association, Executive Co-Director of SPEP, and Co-Editor of Hypatia, and today is Co-Director of the Public Humanities and Social Justice Program at Hunter College. Her areas of work include epistemology, Latin American philosophy, feminism, critical race theory and continental philosophy. Her recent books include Rape and Resistance; (Polity 2018); The Future of Whiteness (Polity 2015); Visible Identities: Race, Gender and the Self (Oxford 2006), which won the Frantz Fanon Award. She has also edited or co-edited 11 books and written over 100 journal articles and book chapters, and has contributed to The New York Times, Aeon, the NY Indypendent, and other publications. Currently she is finishing two books: one on a decolonial approach to race and racism, and a second on extractivist epistemologies. She is originally from Panama.

Robin McKenna is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Liverpool and a Senior Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg. Previously, he worked at the University of Vienna and the University of Geneva. His research mainly focuses on epistemology, though he frequently draws on philosophy of science, social psychology, and social and political philosophy. He has co-edited two books, Social Epistemology and Relativism (Routledge, 2020) and Metaepistemology: Realism and Anti-Realism (Palgrave, 2018), and published articles on a wide range of topics including contextualism, epistemic norms, feminist epistemology, genealogy of knowledge, irrationality, persuasion, relativism, and scepticism.

About the Joint Session

the postgraduate session

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