Final Paper & Podcast

Issue No. 1 | Volume CXV | 2014 – 2015
What’s Wrong with ‘Deontology’?
Jens Timmermann
University of St Andrews
Monday, 1 December 2014
17.30 – 19.15
The Woburn Suite
Senate House
University of London
Malet Street
London WC13 7HU
United Kingdom
Chaired by Adrian Moore (Oxford) – President of the Aristotelian Society
About the Speaker
Jens Timmermann is Reader in Moral Philosophy at the University of St Andrews. He was trained as an ancient philosopher but now largely works on Kant’s ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of law. Recent publications include a volume on Kant’s “Critique of Practical Reason” (edited jointly with Andrews Reath), a German-English edition of Kant’s “Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals” and an article on the possibility of moral conflict in Kantian ethics. He is currently interested in Kant’s account of irrational action, in his theory of sympathy and in the notorious essay on the “Alleged Right to Lie”.
* The final paper will be available in Issue No. 1 of the 2015 Proceedings, which is due to be released in April.
** A podcast of the talk will be available approximately one week after the talk has been delivered.